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Last Update: 8-Sep-2024

1. Privacy Policy

This is the privacy policy of OPTIFIT Perform, located in Amsterdam It applies when visiting our website, to (potential) clients using our services, and to relationships and employees of OPTIFIT Perform (the 'Data Subject'). This policy concerns all processing of personal data for which OPTIFIT Perform is the data controller.

OPTIFIT Perform, in accordance with current laws and regulations, has specific obligations regarding the processing of personal data of the Data Subject and grants certain rights to the Data Subject, as outlined in the General Data Protection Regulation, including its implementing legislation ('GDPR')."

We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring that your personal information is protected.

2. Information We Collect

We process personal data only when strictly necessary for the purpose of processing, to provide quality services, and/or when necessary for our business operations. The recording of your contact information through the website only occurs when you voluntarily provide it to us for communication purposes. The following data is collected and processed via the website:

  1. Contact Information: When you sign up for our Personal Training services, we may collect your name, email address, phone number, and mailing address.
  2. Health Information: To provide you with effective Personal Training services, we may collect information about your health, medical history, fitness goals, gender and dietary preferences. This information will be used solely for the purpose of creating tailored training programs and nutrition plans.
  3. Payment Information: If you make a purchase or subscribe to our paid services, we may collect payment information, such as bank account number (if applicable), credit card details or other financial account information. However, we do not store or retain full payment card details. All transactions are processed through secure third-party payment processors.
  4. Website Usage Information, Cookies and Tracking Technologies: We may collect non-personal information about your interactions with our website, such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, and referring URL. This information is collected through the use of cookies and similar technologies and is used to improve our website's functionality and user experience. A cookie is a small text file stored in the browser of your computer, tablet, or smartphone upon the first visit to this website. We use cookies and similar technologies to enhance your experience on our website. You can control the use of cookies through your browser settings. For more information:https://veiliginternetten.nl/themes/situatie/cookies-wat-zijn-het-en-wat-doe-ik-ermee/

We handle sensitive personal data with the utmost care, and our technical and organizational security measures are designed to safeguard it.

3. Use of Information

We use the collected information for the following purposes:

  1. Providing Personal Training Services: We use your contact information, health information, and fitness goals to deliver personalized 1-1 training sessions, group training programs, and nutrition plans.
  2. Communication: We may use your contact information to send you important updates, notifications, and promotional materials related to our Personal Training services. You can opt-out of receiving marketing communications at any time.
  3. Improving Our Services: The website usage information helps us analyze trends, monitor the effectiveness of our website, and enhance its functionality to provide a better user experience.
  4. Legal Obligations: We may also use your personal information to comply with applicable legal obligations, such as responding to legal requests and protecting our rights and interests.

4. Use of Photos and Videos During Retreats

4.1. Consent to Photography and Videography

By attending an OPTIFIT Perform fitness retreat, you acknowledge and consent to the potential use of photographs, videos, and other recordings ("Media") that may be taken during the retreat. This Media may include but is not limited to photos and videos of training sessions, group activities, or general retreat interactions.

The Company may use this Media for promotional, marketing, or educational purposes, including but not limited to social media, websites, brochures, and other advertising materials.

4.2. Opt-Out

If you do not wish to be included in any photography or videography, you must inform us in writing before the retreat or notify the retreat organizer upon arrival. While we will make reasonable efforts to honor such requests, we cannot guarantee complete exclusion from group photos or incidental footage where you may appear in the background.

4.3. Ownership of Media

All Media captured by the Company or its authorized agents during the fitness retreats are the sole property of OPTIFIT Perform. By attending the retreat, you grant the Company a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, modify, and publish any Media in which you appear.

You waive any right to inspect or approve the final product or any printed or electronic matter that may be used in connection with such Media.

4.4. Personal Media Use by Clients

Clients are welcome to take their own photos and videos during the retreat for personal use, provided such activity does not disrupt the retreat or infringe on the privacy of other participants. However, you agree not to use such Media for commercial purposes without obtaining prior written consent from OPTIFIT Perform and other individuals featured in the Media.

4.5. Prohibited Media Use

Clients are prohibited from using any Media captured during the retreat in a manner that defames, disrespects, or misrepresents OPTIFIT Perform, its employees, or other retreat participants. Any such misuse may result in legal action and termination of your participation in future retreats.

5. Third-Party Services

We engage third parties ("Third Parties") to ensure the efficiency, correctness, and safety of our services. These Third Parties include software and IT system providers, specialized advisors, and other service providers. Their services are performed under our responsibility, and we ensure proper and secure processing of personal data with confidentiality agreements in place.

6. Disclosure to Third Parties

Your data is never disclosed to a third party for further processing without your explicit consent. We only provide your personal data to law enforcement agencies or (government) authorities when required by applicable law or by order of a government authority, and only to the extent necessary to combat fraud or criminal activities. We are legally obligated, for example, to provide certain (medical) client data to health insurers for billing purposes.

Under no circumstances do we sell entered data to third parties unless the Data Subject has expressly given consent.

7. Data Security & Retention

Taking into account the state of the art, implementation costs, and the nature, scope, context, and purposes of processing, we implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a security level tailored to the risk.

Access to the data is restricted, and security measures are regularly reviewed. OPTIFIT Perform employees and engaged Third Parties are bound by confidentiality when processing personal data.

When personal data is no longer needed, we review and, where possible, delete it. The retention period depends on the purpose of processing and legal requirements. We may keep personal data for a longer period if circumstances warrant it but never longer than necessary.

8. Sharing of Information

We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes. However, we may share your information in the following circumstances:

  1. Service Providers: We may engage trusted third-party service providers who assist us in delivering our Personal Training services. These providers have access to personal information only to perform their tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.
  2. Legal Requirements: We may disclose your personal information if required to do so by law or in response to valid legal requests, such as subpoenas or court orders.
  3. Consent: We may share your personal information with your explicit consent or at your direction.

9. Your Rights and Choices

As the Data Subject, you have the following rights:

To exercise your rights, kindly submit your request in writing by mail or email. We will verify your identity before proceeding with your request.

10. Age Under 16 Years?

If you are under 16 years of age, you may only provide personal data if you have obtained consent from one of your parents or a legal representative who has read our privacy policy.

11. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be effective upon posting the revised. If we make significant changes that may affect the processing of personal data, we will inform the Data Subject in advance.

12. Contact or Complaint

For questions or complaints regarding our services and the processing of your data, we kindly ask you to contact us in writing first. We aim to respond within four weeks.

We handle your personal data with the utmost care. If, despite our careful approach, you have a complaint about how we process your personal data and/or handle your rights, you can file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority, the supervisory authority for the processing of personal data.

By using our services or attending fitness retreats, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to this Privacy Policy.

Contact Information:


1094KS, Amsterdam


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